Who We Are
Bharosa means trust or, reliance. A voluntary organization, working primarily in the fields of healthcare, sanitation, environment, awareness and community education, is an endeavor by a group of eminent doctors and top professionals from diverse fields. Headquartered in Delhi, it is registered with the Registrar of Societies under Societies Registration Act, 1860..

A Health Care
It all started with the setting up of a small and modest health clinic in Aya Nagar, New Delhi. A larger proportion of the population living in the locality is below poverty line or, has money barely enough to survive, not to talk about their inability to afford quality medical advice and diagnosis. The clinic initially ran on alternate days with a part-time doctor and provided free medical services to the local people.

Complete Sanitation Program
Bharosa is engaged in Total Sanitation Program in Bhojpur district in Bihar. This initiative has been supported by PHED Ministry, Government of Bihar. Under this program we are responsible to create awareness program and the construction of Toilet with strong public participation.

Asha Training
Bharosa conducted twelve days long TOT (Training of Trainers) for the ASHA workers in saran district. We have sixty certified trainers in saran who are taking up the program to block level training in twenty blocks of Saran. The project was supported by PHED Ministry Government of Bihar, under the guidance of NHRM and Pranjal.