AIE (Alternative & Innovative Education) Centers under UEEM –(2005-07)
Bharosa was sanctioned to run 40 AIE Centers under Centrally-sponsored Sarva Siksha Abhiyan or UEE Mission by the State Government of Haryana. The 40 centers serve a little over 1000 out-of-school children from underserved communities with inconsistent access to or, insignificant value associated with education. The project aims at educating the children in the AIE centers and bridging the gaps in their desired and present levels of education ans subsequently mainstreaming them in regular schools. In its first year of operation of 40 AIE centers, Bharosa mainstreamed over 300 children to government run and other regular schools.

The organization regularly organizes training and capacity building programs for its teachers and other staff in the project in addition to recreationary programs for the children.

Bharosa also came up with a startling Case-Study through a short film on one such AIE center organized and run in a live cemetery. The entire community to which these children belong, is settled within the cemetery premises and lives on breeding mules, horses and donkeys. By the virtue of being nomadic community, these children are often excluded from child-census by the government, even though their families possess Ration Cards. Due to non-existence tagged with the community, the children do not go to regular schools. Nor does the community promote them for their own needs and reasons. However, not only Bharosa enrolled 30 children from the community but also brought to prominence their existence, their cause and made the community pledge for promoting education among their children.

Training Program(2009-2009)
Bharosa conducted twelve days long TOT (Training of Trainers) for the ASHA workers in saran district. We have sixty certified trainers in saran who are taking up the program to block level training in twenty blocks of Saran.
The project was supported by PHEDMinistry Government of Bihar, under the guidance of NHRM and Pranjal.

Complete Sanitation Program (2009-2010)
Bharosa is engaged in Total Sanitation Program in Bhojpur district in Bihar. This initiative has been supported by PHED Ministry, Government of Bihar. Under this program we are responsible to create awareness program and the construction of Toilet with strong public participation.
Primary Health Centre (2003-2011)
It all started with the setting up of a small and modest health clinic in Aya Nagar, New Delhi. A larger proportion of the population living in the locality is below poverty line or, has money barely enough to survive, not to talk about their inability to afford quality medical advice and diagnosis. The clinic initially ran on alternate days with a part-time doctor and provided free medical services to the local people.

The responses that this clinic generated were overwhelming and encouraging to start the clinic full scale. The community support extended to the program soon attracted the support of doctors from top-level medical institutions like AIIMS who agreed to provide their expertise on regular basis and conduct health check-ups and provide some basic medicines for the urban poor. The assurance of a high quality health service to the downtrodden of the locality helped the clinic earn sustainability. In turn, the clinic started various advocacy and awareness generation activities, thus, making the community more conscious about the necessity of healthcare, sanitation and environment. The milieu for Bharosa’s Health Care Centre was ready.
Bharosa Health Care Centre - 2003-2011
The Primary Health Centre provided the ideal launchpad for the beginning of Bharosa Health Care Centre in the same locality. The modest clinic was replaced by an urbane, technologically equipped and multi-facility small hospital named Bharosa Health Care Centre.
The centre now caters to hundreds of needy and disadvantaged people from the local and nearby communities. Being the only full-fledged and round-the-clock healthcare services provider, the Centre has emerged as an indispensable part of the people in the locality which looks up at the centre for all the big and small health-related needs, education, understanding, consultation and, referral. The Society now aims to grow this centre into an institution of excellence with multiple services right from treatment & diagnosis to training and communication programs in the field of healthcare.

Awareness Campaign Among Children (2010-2011)
Bharosa participates in the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in association with IRAM, a Delhi-based voluntary organization. This program entails to provide elementary education to children below the age of 14 years. Bharosa offers its services on a long-term basis to IRAM for its children’s education centers under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and other programs by holding camps there.

Children are fast learners and retain those learnings for a longer time most often, incorporating such lessons in their day-to-day habit, if they understand it to the fullest. The health care related camps are inculcating in children the right health habits at an early age. In these camps, the doctors provide free health check of the children, making a check list of their health and guide their parents regarding nutrition within the available resources. The children are made aware of the basic things that they could do to keep themselves and their environment healthy and clean. These children along with their families became a special part of Bharosa’s programs, ensuring that they receive an all round education and grooming for a better, healthier future.
Community Toilet in Bhagwanpur-Bihar (2016-17)
The endeavor to create a platform for a hygienic defecation system has been taken up by Bharosa in Bhagwanpur,Bihar.Right from beginning we knew that the major challenge is not to reate the physical facility but to create the awareness amongst the defined society i.e. our target beneficiaries.
Right from beginning we knew that the major challenge is not to establish the physical facility but to build the awareness amongst the defined society i.e. our target beneficiaries.